Member of Australian Accounting body
Registered NDIS Provider
NDIS Participants
How may prompt finance plan management be of use to you?
What makes plan management necessary?

You are undoubtedly well aware of how much time managing your strategy can take. Your NDIS funding will be handled by a plan manager, who will also take care of your invoices and monitor your expenditure in relation to your budget.

You might be asking why you need a plan manager if you already have a local area coordinator (LAC). The NDIS and local area coordinators are connected by them. They help with your plan and evaluations but they are unable to handle your budget and invoicing. Although they are a valuable resource, local area coordinators are only one member of your team.

A support coordinator may also assist in the coordination of your support. Support coordinators are still another valuable resource, but once more, they cannot pay your bills and keep track of your spending.

Plan managers play a crucial role in your team.

Managers of the plan maintain records, pay service providers, monitor spending, handle claims, and oversee NDIS payments.

They assist you in creating a budget and maximising your NDIS funds.

Your plan will still be in your hands. Plan managers are there to support you and assist you in maintaining control; we merely handle the budget so you don’t have to.

To guarantee that planning, budgeting, and reporting are made simple, Prompt Financial Management may communicate with support coordinators.

Prompt Financial Plan Management provides a free introductory consultation to assist you to determine whether you might benefit from plan management.

Contact us at to schedule a consultation right now.

If you are currently self-managed but are finding this challenging, don’t worry—you can easily transition to plan management without having an adverse effect on your spending or level of service.

You can easily manage your NDIS funding with our help.
We take the worry out of handling your NDIS budget and bill payments, giving you more time to spend doing the things you enjoy.

You get to pick the service providers and products you want to use, and we’ll handle the payments out of your NDIS funds for no extra charge. Third-party plan managers Prompt Finance Plan Management are skilled in utilising the NDIS and managing spending. To make sure you get the most out of your funds, we can let you know how you are doing in relation to your NDIS budget. We are able to offer professional guidance because of our in-depth understanding of NDIS financing, assistance, and networks. We can direct you to more support, help you identify the best service providers, and let you know what resources are available to you based on your particular plan.

Contact us if you’re searching for a group that can help with NDIS issues and who can relate to you. We recognise that you must make plans for each year that you will get money and that you will require assistance from a team. Allow us to join your group.

How can we assist you?
Your service providers can send us an invoice directly, and we will pay them on time. We manage the payments to your service providers from your NDIS budget, not your bank account.

You don’t need to worry about bills, we track your funding so you know how much you can spend, and our app lets you view your spending. Make sure you don’t spend more money than you have. We maintain an audit trail for you.

We will collaborate with your support coordinator (if you have one) to ensure you get the most out of your services. We can communicate with your LAC on your behalf. Since we are paid directly by the NDIA, there is no expense to you. We can offer direction so you can make educated decisions whether you require advice on service providers or navigating the NDIS.

You are in charge and have a choice.

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